GOD has truly blessed the Riel Love Outreach Ministry! it is so rewarding to go out to different areas of Durham, North Carolina helping people of all walks of life. I feel honored and blessed to be a part of this ministry, to GOD be the glory!
Gloria Gilchrist
To God be all the glory! In the Bible God says, whatever you do to the least of these My brothers you are doing it unto Me. So many people are hurting today and in need of help. I thank God for the opportunity to minister HOPE to such people. When we go out and distribution necessities to the homeless and see how much it is appreciated it truly blesses my heart. It has been an honor, a privilege and a joy to serve our community in this way. It is God's will that we present His love to others through acts of kindness. The Riel Love Outreach Ministry does just that. It is all about showing the love of God and being vessels used to honor Him.
Nina James
I have been a part of the Riel Love Outreach Experience for just a few months now, and have had the opportunity to witness how God has used this ministry to bless his people, both the givers and receivers of His love. As a giver, God has blessed me to share, reminded me to be grateful, and has continued bless me to be a blessing. From the receiver perspective, I have personally gone out during an outreach distribution and witnessed the people of God receive with grateful hearts, and be willing to share their testimonials of God's love, as well. I am humbled to be a part of something greater than myself, and in this season, it is the Riel Love Outreach Ministry! TGBTG! I also want to add to this testimony that I am so grateful to God for the manifestation of his Word in Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. – The founder of the Riel Love Outreach Ministry, Jackie Overby, used the transitioning of her only son, to bring Glory to God, and even in a very difficult place, she has the heart to be a blessing to the people of God, and in honoring her son, Zuriel's life, has allowed God to turn, even this situation around to give Him glory! God bless you Jackie Overby, faithful servant of God!
Ronald McCoy
The Riel Love Outreach has been an inspiration to me! It has given me an opportunity to be a witness to a population that may not have a church home or don't know Jesus. The people we ministered to were delighted to receive prayer and hear an encouraging word. Some gave their life to Christ. It blessed me to speak from my heart to them. The Riel Love Outreach Ministry blessed each person we ministered to with a bookbag containing a bible, personal toiletries, gift cards, clothing, a financial blessing (cash), food and on some occasions hot lunches. Those are some of the basic things they are given. The expressions of joy you see on their faces from receiving these items is priceless. They are so happy that TODAY someone cared about them. It's a joy to be apart of the Riel Love Outreach Ministry. This organization is certainly fulfilling the great commission.
Proverbs 16:17 Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord and He will repay them for their kind deeds!